Smothering America’s Soul

Works Cited: 

Kerouac, Jack. The Vanishing American Hobo, 1960. 

Kimmel, Michael S. The History of Men: Essays in the History of American and British Masculinities. State University of New York Press, 2005. 

Murphey, John. Victory Production!: A Personal Account of Seventeen Months Spent as a Worker in an Engineering and an Aircraft Factory; with a Criticism of Our Present Methods of Production and a Plan for Its Reorganization, 1942. 

Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 1904.

Also read Ervin’s fictional detective noir piece, “Highs and Lows

Seth Ervin

Seth Ervin is an amalgamation of the lessons that he refuses to learn. He loves music and art, and believes that the creation of beauty is a defining characteristic of human existence. Ervin enjoys writing as an art form and an advocacy, as it is this nuance that permits one to breathe life into the echoing passages of humanities.

