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Barrie Darke

Barrie Darke has had several plays performed, and has worked with the BBC, but prose was always the main thing. He lives and writes in the north east of England, and teaches Creative Writing in a basement. He has also worked in a prison, where he learnt more than the students.

He has been published in the US by: Menda City Review, Nossa Morte, Demon Minds, Infinite Windows, Underground Voices, Big Pulp, Pseudopod, Inwood Indiana, Bastards and Whores, Onomatopoeia, Orion Headless, Xenith, All Due Respect, Fiction365, Scissors and Spackle, Fear and Trembling, Drunk Monkeys, The April Reader, Big Stupid Review, Dark Moon, Writing Tomorrow, Otis Nebula, Futures Trading, The Opiate, Badlands, Cobalt, Wilderness House, Digital Fiction (pending), Merchants of Misery Anthology, Literary Nest, Eunioa Review, AMInk, Scribe, Oddville Press, Litro, Archive of the Odd, Concrete Desert, Quarterly Journal, Litbreak, and Works Progress; in the UK by: Byker Books, New Writing North, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Delinquent, Theurgy, Horrified Press, Writer’s Muse, and The Metric; and in Australia by Otoliths.

