A Garden In the Winter


John RC Potter

John RC Potter is an international educator from Canada who lives in Istanbul. He has experienced a revolution (Indonesia), air strikes (Israel), earthquakes (Turkey), boredom (UAE), and blinding snow blizzards (Canada), the last being the subject of his story, ‘Snowbound in the House of God’ (Memoirist). The author’s poems, stories, essays, articles, and reviews have been published in various magazines and journals. Recent publications: Prose – ‘Destination: Toronto @ Midnight’ (Halfway Down The Stairs); Poetry – ‘A Year in Israel, Twelve Months in Tel Aviv’ (Culterate Magazine). His story, ‘Ruth’s World’ (Fiction on the Web), was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and his poem, ‘Tomato Heart’ (Disturb the Universe Magazine), was nominated for the Best of the Net Award. The author’s gay-themed children’s picture book, The First Adventures of Walli and Magoo, is scheduled for publication. He enjoys duties as Istanbul editor of Masticadores online magazine.

Website: https://johnrcpotterauthor.com | Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnRCPotter

Note: “A Garden In The Winter” was previously published in Erato Magazine. Author retains all rights of the work.

